
October 1, 2022

Cost/Reward of Having a Nanny

Having a nanny join your family means you will have security and peace of mind knowing that your nanny will care for your child with love and affection. It is an amazing thing to know that you do not have to race to pick up from a center, that your child has one on one […]


September 2, 2022

Job Burnout – Nannies, Too?

It happens to all of us at some point. There is a feeling that overtakes us. The sparkle is missing. We are feeling less than inspired. Often times we feel as though we are going thru the motions and yearn for a time of rest. Different for Different Folks Burnout looks different for every person […]


August 2, 2022

What Makes a Great Nanny? 7 Important Considerations

If you have decided to make the investment in time, money and energy to hire a nanny, you want to be sure to hire the best. Good news, we have been doing this for more than 35 years and we can help guide you. Here are the top traits of the best nannies out there. […]


July 1, 2022

Travel With Young Kids In A COVID World

Did you know we are living in a world where the term revenge travel is a thing? We didn’t either! But the tourist industry coined the term to refer to the massive amount of travel going on now. People are out and about at record numbers as they respond to the lack of travel in […]


June 6, 2022


DIRECT EXPOSURE Exposed directly to a person with symptoms or infected with COVID-19 You were in 6 feet for 15 minutes or more You were the one directly exposed to the person with symptoms or infected INDIRECT EXPOSURE In close contact with a person who is not ill but was exposed to a person with […]


June 1, 2022

Reading Readiness Now?

As we are happily spending days ending a school year and dreaming of fun playful days, some parents and caregivers feel pressure to set up a schedule of activities that will get a child ready for the next school year. This is a huge pressure especially on parents who have kids entering into kindergarten next […]


May 4, 2022

Need Tips On Sibling Rivalry?

As the school year closes and schedules change for the summer, there can be a ramp up of sibling tension in the home. If you find that your kiddos are often competing, fighting and having some issues playing together, know that you are not alone. ALL kids will quarrel with their siblings. It is actually […]


April 1, 2022

Updated Developmental Milestones for Kids

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) along with the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) updated their recommended milestones of development for children. This is the first update since the markers were introduced in 2004. Learn the Signs.  Act Early. The program called Learn the Signs. Act Early. was developed to help create comprehensive screening […]


March 1, 2022

Are Naps Important for Kids?

Naps are important for so many reasons. Important physical and brain development occurs while kids sleep. There are very few children who get the required amount of sleep in one stretch over night until they are at least 3 and some kids really need to nap until kindergarten. Naps also help busy children relax and […]


February 2, 2022

Temperament and Why Is It Important?

Temperament refers to the way that a child responds to the world. It can be used to describe their general mood and activity level. It is the way they handle emotions and regulate behavior. Often temperament is described in kids as a child is “dramatic” or “easy going”. Understanding a child’s basic temperament makes it […]



Nannypalooza 9/27/24 – 9/29/24

Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina Attend Nannypalooza, a weekend conference designed for nannies to learn, share ideas, and connect. In an inclusive, welcoming space, Nannypalooza embraces the philosophy that everyone is both a teacher and a learner. With a relaxed atmosphere but a serious commitment to quality child care, Nannypalooza offers inspiring sessions and valuable networking opportunities. […]


INA Virtual Summit

Join the INA 2024 Virtual Summit January 12-13, 2024. Friday, January 12th will have 6 workshops focused on businesses in the industry. Saturday, January 13th will have 6 workshops focused on Nannies and NCS. Summit registration gets you access to both days AND access to the recordings for 60 days after the event. Workshops will be […]


Join US – Learn and Have Fun

Stand up for quality in-home childcare across the globe. International Nanny Association Annual Conference May 4 – 7, 2023 Orlando, Florida Doubletree by Hilton, Orlando at SeaWorld For more info Click on INA Conference website!


Camp@Home Sample Day

Camp@Home is an exciting summer program with a different “Around the World” theme each week. Each day will include a craft and a mix of physical and imaginative activities. We are excited to bring camp to your house! Weekly Themes: California Coast Summer Camp Roundup Desert Digs Swiss Alps Hiking & Nature Sydney Outer Space […]
